Thursday, June 21, 2012

MySQL Stored Procedures (different from Oracle/SQL Server Procedures)

Developer/DBA who works on Oracle /SQL Server thinks MySQL implement stored procedure in a same way as Oracle/MS SQL Server. They incorrectly believe that stored procedures are compiled and stored in a global stored procedure cache, similar to the stored procedure cache in Microsoft SQL Server] or Oracle[
This is wrong. Flat-out incorrect.
Here is the truth: Every single connection to the MySQL server maintains it’s own stored procedure cache.
This means two very important things that users of stored procedures should understand:
  • If you operate in a shared-nothing environment — for example, the majority of PHP and Python applications that do not use connection pooling or persistent connections — if your application uses stored procedures, the connection is compiling the stored procedure, storing it in a cache, and destroying that cache every single time you connect to the database server and issue a CALL statement
  • If you use stored procedures, the memory usage of every single connection that uses those stored procedures is going to increase, and will increase substantially if you use many stored procedures
Ooops, I Invalidated Everything Again
So, what happens when you CREATE, ALTER, or DROP any stored procedures? Since MySQL stores all stored procedure execution code on the connection threads, each of those connection threads must invalidate the procedure in its caches that has changed, right?
No, it’s worse. Every time ANY stored procedure is added, dropped, or updated, ALL stored procedures on ALL connection threads will be invalidated and must be re-compiled. Here is how the “caches” are invalidated:
from /sql/, lines 193-197, in MySQL 5.5
  Invalidate all routines in all caches.


    This is called when a VIEW definition is created or modified (and in some
    other contexts). We can't destroy sp_head objects here as one may modify
    VIEW definitions from prelocking-free SPs.
void sp_cache_invalidate()
  DBUG_PRINT("info",("sp_cache: invalidating"));
  thread_safe_increment(Cversion, &Cversion_lock);
It’s a bit misleading, since it actually doesn’t invalidate anything at all. What the above code does is increment the global “Cversion” variable. When a connection thread attempts to execute, drop or insert a new procedure, it will notice that it’s local cache’s version number is less than this Cversion number and will destroy the entire cache and rebuild it gradually as procedures are affected or executed.
So, Should You Use Stored Procedures in MySQL?
The above warning doesn’t necessarily mean that you should never use stored procedures? No. What it means (besides being a bit of a rant on the implementation of MySQL’s stored procedures) is that you should be aware of these issues and use stored procedures where they make the most sense:
  • When you know that you will be executing the stored procedure over and over again on the same connection — for instance, in a bulk loading script or similar
  • When you know that you will not be disconnecting from the MySQL server at the end of script execution — for instance, if you use JDBC connection pooling
  • When you know that you have a limited number of stored procedures and the memory usage of connections won’t be an issue
Finally, if you see benchmarks that purport to show a huge performance increase from using stored procedures in MySQL, be careful to understand what the benchmark is doing and whether that benchmark represents your real-world environment. For instance, if you see a huge performance increase in sysbench when using stored procedures, but you have a PHP shared-nothing environment, understand that those benchmark results mean very little to you, since sysbench connections don’t get destroyed until the end of the run…


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